Tokyo is a thriving hub for video production, offering state-of-the-art studios and creative opportunities for diverse projects. Recently, we spent two weeks in a Tokyo studio for two separate video shoots, each with unique requirements and budgets. Here’s a detailed look at the nature of these shoots, the logistics involved, and actual cost breakdowns to help you plan your next production.
Our studio was located in Meguro, a convenient and central area of Tokyo. The shooting space featured dimensions of 8m width, 5m height, and 7m length, with a total space of 13m. This versatile setup was ideal for the varied needs of our two projects.
The first project was for an overseas-based IT company creating customer testimonials and explanatory videos for their annual online event. While the event was presented as live, we pre-recorded and edited all materials in the studio.
• Set Design and Build: A vendor-created set that expanded on last year’s design, costing approximately ¥1,000,000.
• Studio Time: 1 day for set construction, lighting, and camera setup. 2 days for filming with a 3-camera setup, including teleprompters for some presentations.
• Lighting Equipment: Included high-quality gear such as Arri HMI’s and Arri S-60c’s.
• Studio rental, preparation, and filming: ¥1,500,000.
• Additional production and camera equipment costs were handled in-house.
• Post-Production: We edited and assembled the content, preparing it for live streaming.
The second shoot, conducted the following week, was for an overseas company producing masterclass-style personal growth seminars. Unlike the first project, this involved a single presenter speaking directly to the camera.
• Set Design and Build: A more elaborate setup with additional components, costing approximately ¥1,500,000.
• Studio Time: 1 day for preparation. 1.5 days for filming, using a 3-camera setup (two fixed cameras and one on a slider).
• Lighting Setup: A more intricate design with directed lighting and flags for precision.
• Live Streaming: All three cameras were live-streamed to the overseas director for real-time feedback.
• Studio rental and filming: ¥1,000,000.
• Client handled editing, so we uploaded the raw footage to their account.
1. Customization Is Key: Building sets tailored to your project adds a polished, professional look, but costs can vary significantly depending on complexity. We have worked with NHK Art, the set builders for the national broadcaster NHK, at the high end to more budget friendly companies as well.
2. Budgeting for Studio Time: Studio rentals and lighting equipment can vary a lot but expect to pay ¥1,000,000–¥1,500,000 for multi-day shoots.
3. Efficient Pre-Production: A well-planned setup day can save valuable time during filming.
4. Leveraging Technology: Live-streaming camera feeds to your director is an excellent way to collaborate if you are based overseas.
Looking to create high-quality video content in Tokyo? Whether you need testimonials, masterclasses, or promotional materials, we provide end-to-end video production services, from set design to live-streaming and post-production.
Contact us at the form below to discuss your project and receive a tailored quote.